Friday, November 14, 2008

Some bunny thinks my blog is spam ....

This isn't funny anymore. Somehow the "robots" that look for spam decided my blog was spam. That is why you see the warning when you try to read my blog.

I don't know why this happened. None of the reasons they give fit. And of course there is no way to contact anyone. I've clicked on the review this blog button but after five days nothing has happened.

I think they are discriminating against bunnies. Why else would they do this? I didn't break any rules ... this blog was targeted as spam before I even posted anything ... I wasn't emailing anyone, I was perfectly behaved. Not like I am at home when I poop under dad's desk. Or try to chew the lamp cord. Or scratch at the carpet in the corner. Or jump all over dad's amp. Or jump in bed with mom and dad and nudge them for snacks ... no, here I was a perfect blogger causing no harm. But I got singled out anyway ...

And that just makes me hoppin' mad!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mom likes to take my picture

I'm not so sure about this.

I like to hop around and look and stuff. Maybe chew on a couple things ... in general I like my space.

Yet all the time, there she is. Crawling around behind me. In front of me. Next to me. Getting in my way. Calling me. Always with that giant bright light going off.

She says I'm the cutest bunny ever. I probably am. But how many pictures does she need? Why doesn't she chase those noisy birds around? Or the cat. Maybe that light would scare the cat. Then it wouldn't chase me. And be looking at me with that mean look.

But no, if it's not the cat after me it's mom .... trying to get one more picture of me being adorable.

Can't a bunny get a break?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Big Changes

What a crazy week it's been. Not that long ago I was home relaxing with my brothers. Then suddenly I was in a cage in a scary loud place. Dogs were barking all the time. I was so scared.

Then I was sent to a place to get "neutered." At least that's what they said ... I don't really know what that means. I just remember being in a big room then I went to sleep. When I woke up I was back in my cage in the noisy place. And I was a little sore.

After a couple more days there I found myself in a little cage on a long car ride with a strange person. She told me she was my new mom and was taking me home.

So now I'm trying to settle in to this new place. It's okay. I have a big cage but mostly I just hop around looking for stuff to chew on. Mom is nice but she wants to hold me all the time and I don't like that. I don't really know her and I get nervous. I never had a lot of people messing with me. It was just me and my brothers. Dad is okay. He pets me sometimes but doesn't pick me up. I like that.

Sometimes I get brave and hop out into the rest of the house. It's interesting out there. Lots of stuff to play with but there is a bad kitty running around out there. She likes to chase me. I don't know if she wants to play or eat me ... she just looks dangerous ... I run and hide when I see her.

There are birds too. They make a lot of noise. I like them though. I want to talk to them but they hiss at me and run away. I think if we worked together we could scare that cat away.

So that's where I am now. Everything is new and I don't know what to expect. I'm just trying to take it all in and not get hurt. It gets a little better each day.