Thursday, March 26, 2009

Back to the blog

So I guess I'll give this blogging thing another try. I was a bit disillusioned after having my blog marked as spam ... And it took over a MONTH for them to finally fix it.

How rude!

But Easter is coming up so I figure now is a good time to start sharing my thoughts. Especially about the proper way to take care of bunnies.

My mom says it's a lot of work to make sure I get the right food and exercise and grooming but I don't think so. I just want to be able to hop around and chew on things. Mom says that's not good for me ... or the electrical cords. She keeps trying to hide them but I'm pretty smart and can get past her lame attempts at "bunny-proofing."

Hah! I'm a bunny. I can jump over her gates ... I can jump on the furniture too. And I'm not too bad at crawling under things. I guess that's why people get baby bunnies at Easter and then don't keep them when they find out how smart we are and everything we need to be happy and healthy.

I guess I'll have to write more about that later. It's time for me to eat my salad and go to bed. Got to have my beauty sleep!

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